Saturday, November 24, 2018


8" x 10" oil on board
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Traditional fishing boats of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.


6" x 6" oil on board
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Sweet potato.

Sunday, October 14, 2018


16" x 20" oil on board
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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Backyard - Early Summer

Backyard - Early Summer
18" x 24" oil on board
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When I look at the last few paintings I've done, I see more confidence in value, color, and brushstroke. I think that's because I've started them as though I wasn't going to do anything with them (i.e. post or attempt to sell). Lesson?  Stop thinking and paint.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


6" x 6" oil on board
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These daffodils were a little unhappy after being pummeled by rain and then picked...I painted this waaaay back in the spring. The last painting from the old house.

Tree - Potomac River

Tree - Potomac River
6" x 6" oil on board
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I took one day off from moving/unpacking this summer to paint outside.  My easel broke after carrying it 1/4 mile down the Billygoat Trail on the Potomac River, and I nearly gave up. This one makes me happy, though.


6" x 6" oil on board
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Experimenting with less detail.

Sweet Potatoes with Avocado

Sweet Potatoes with Avocado
8" x 10" oil on board
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This was a super-quick painting - the first painting completed in my new paint studio! Boxes everywhere...I like it, but my camera did not accurately portray the colors.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


9" x 12" oil on board
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This is the one painting I was able to "finish" during the Duane Keiser workshop I attended. The workshop was amazing, and it wasn't really about finishing paintings, but being able to pass along your perceptions of an experience in a limited time or even through an unfinished painting. I had about 30 minutes for this one.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Asheville, NC - Warehouse District

Asheville, NC - Warehouse District
11" x 14" oil on board

Beards Mountain Copy

Beards Mountain Copy
6" x 6" oil on board

This is a copy of painting by one of my favorite painters, Frank Hobbs. Frank has a studio in my hometown of Staunton, Virginia, which I have never visited. I didn't discover Hobbs' work until long after I had moved away from Staunton, but I really need to go back and visit. He is my painting idol.

I see a lot of my favorite artists copying other artist's work as a way of learning technique and color mixing- I think it's ok as long as you give them sufficient credit...I'm not offering this up for sale, just in case. Here's a link to Hobb's version, the original:

His painting is more muted and, admittedly, better. Be sure to check out the rest of his paintings!

Brandywine River

Brandywine River
5" x 7" oil on board
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This is Andrew Wyeth country.  In fact, the reference for this painting was taken on the Andrew Wyeth Museum grounds.  I wonder how Wyeth would feel about people painting from photo references?

Lake Fairfax - Late Afternoon

Lake Fairfax - Late Afternoon
5" x 7" oil on board
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I added the red-shirted person and deleted some park buildings that were in the background.