Friday, July 13, 2012

River Paintings

The Point
8 1/2" x 11"
Watercolor on paper

River Cypress
8 1/2" x 11"
Watercolor on paper

River Chairs
8 1/2" x 11"
Water Color on paper

Sarah and I painted these during our river trip over the 4th of July holiday.  I painted the top two, and Sarah painted "River Chairs."  I like her painting the best.

I haven't done a lot of watercolor painting, but I'm really happy with how these turned out; especially The Point.  There is nothing I would rather do than sit by the water and paint. A beverage or two helps the process.

Storm on the Mesa

6" x 8"
Oil on Canvas Panel

I painted this from a photo that I took out of the car window during our trip out west last summer.  The location is somewhere near the border of southern Utah and Colorado. Rain is rare in this area during the summer, so it was pretty cool to witness a storm on the mesa.

La Jolla Cove

12" x 12"
Oil on Canvas

This is La Jolla Cove in San Diego, CA.  The painting was originally 12" x 24", but I didn't like the other 12", so I sawed it off and re-stapled the canvas.  I did create a small rip in the canvas on the top left edge of the painting when I cut it so beware if you're interested in purchasing.