Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Blue Chairs

Blue Chairs 

4" x 6" oil on board

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I know a lot of people would look at this painting and assume it was done by a five year old. But it's actually of my favorite paintings of the year.  And in contrast to yesterday's painting, it was much more enjoyable to make.  

When I'm starting a painting, I tell myself I'm going to put down a stroke and leave it. I'm going to use thick paint and I'm going to quit while I'm ahead. I rarely ever do what I tell myself to do.  With this one, however, I did.  

The purpose of painting, in my mind, is to pass along a particular moment in time and the feelings I felt in that moment.  When painting from photos, I feel like that job is much more difficult for a number of reasons, including the fact that you're compensating for the camera's deficiencies, the least of which is its inability to accurately capture light and shadow.  As a result, I have come to dislike painting from photos.  

This painting was done in the moment.  It took less than 30 minutes. I used thick paint, put down a stroke, left it, and quit before I screwed it up. I wish all paintings were this enjoyable!

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Sky Meadows


Sky Meadows

8" x 10" oil on board

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It's getting harder and harder to find a few hours to paint. And I feel more and more guilty for sticking my wife with the kids while I do it. This might have been better, but it was rushed and I was distracted.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Redbud II

Redbud II
6" x 6" oil on board
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I've been on a painting SPREE lately!  I did this one from the sun porch with some leftover paint from yesterday.  95 degrees in the shade, but at least there aren't mosquitos on the porch, and I was able to turn on the ceiling fan...

Sunday, July 26, 2020


6" x 6" oil on board

It's probably not a coincidence that some of my best paintings happen when my kids are away at Nana and Papa's...my only goal was to not overdo it. That might be why the plate is not a perfect shape. I was just trying not to screw it up...

I like this one.  It tasted good, too.


10"x 20" oil on canvas
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I've painted this scene near Bryce Canyon, Utah, once before. Still trying to get it right...is it better than the original, below?  The original sold at the Marriott Craft Show a few years back.  I like how I used a little more red in the trunks of the trees in the original...maybe I need to try it one more time.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Cowpasture River

Cowpasture River
5" x 7" oil on board
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Just downstream from the confluence of the Bullpasture River and Cowpasture River in Highland County, VA, near the "town" of Williamsville. Town is in quotation marks because there is one stop sign and a trout hatchery in Williamsville...there used to be a nice country store there, but it closed down years ago. Still, the Bullpasture River Valley is one of my favorite places on earth.

I struggled with this one and almost wiped it. Then, I debated whether or not to post it.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Black, White, and Brown

Black, White, and Brown
6" x 6" oil on board
Sent to Farmer Robin

It's tough to muster the creative energy to paint when you've been wrangling a two and five year old, but I made it happen today. This is an image from our trip to McDowell, Va this July. I'm happy with my cows.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Windowsill Apples

Windowsill Apples
8" x 16" oil on canvas
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I've been getting a lot of page views the past few days. Russian hackers or legitimate viewers?  I'd love to know...

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Abstract II

Abstract II
Oil on canvas (large)
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I had some ideas for how I wanted this to look, but of course it turned out differently and a little more representational than I had planned - I had no scene in mind when I started....it was fun trying to balance it out, and I like it.

Also, 2019 was the10th year of this blog.  Anyone still looking?