Friday, June 7, 2024

Backyard - Redbud


Backyard - Redbud

8" x 10" oil on board

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Getting some practice in before my painting trip to Highland County, VA next week. My brain is a bit addled after having two teeth pulled earlier this week. I took a bunch of painkillers yesterday, but I liked them a little too much, so I decided not to take anything today, and I feel icky.  Plus, the gaping hole in my jaw hurts. I can see how people get hooks on those things. 

This is my 2nd attempt of the day.  The first one I tried to be really careful and draw everything out and pre-mix the colors and, of course, it turned out awful, so I wiped it and then painted this one really quickly, without drawing it out and using only one brush.  That's usually how it works.  Once I stop thinking, good things happen. 

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