Blue Chairs
4" x 6" oil on board
I know a lot of people would look at this painting and assume it was done by a five year old. But it's actually of my favorite paintings of the year. And in contrast to yesterday's painting, it was much more enjoyable to make.
When I'm starting a painting, I tell myself I'm going to put down a stroke and leave it. I'm going to use thick paint and I'm going to quit while I'm ahead. I rarely ever do what I tell myself to do. With this one, however, I did.
The purpose of painting, in my mind, is to pass along a particular moment in time and the feelings I felt in that moment. When painting from photos, I feel like that job is much more difficult for a number of reasons, including the fact that you're compensating for the camera's deficiencies, the least of which is its inability to accurately capture light and shadow. As a result, I have come to dislike painting from photos.
This painting was done in the moment. It took less than 30 minutes. I used thick paint, put down a stroke, left it, and quit before I screwed it up. I wish all paintings were this enjoyable!