Wednesday, March 16, 2011

'W&OD Herndon'

From New Paintings

8" x 10" Oil on Canvas Panel
$35 plus shipping - Sold

I know this doesn't look like much, but I painted it outside on a windy afternoon in Herndon, VA.  Painting outside is challenging compared to painting in studio.  I plan to do a lot more outdoor painting now that it's getting warmer and my wife gave me an outdoor easel for Christmas.  Like I said, it was windy, the light was fading fast and I am an inexperienced outdoor painter.

'Warehouse District Train Yard'

16" x 20" Oil on Canvas

Well hello...It has been a while.  It's true, I haven't been painting AS MUCH and I've been posting even less.  Unfortunately, I've been too busy with the job that pays the bills. I actually painted this back in January after visiting Asheville, NC with my wife.  We were sitting outside under some heat lamps at a brewery called, The Wedge, Brewery - so named because the brewery sits on a wedge of property between the street above and the train yard in front.  The train went by once and I kicked myself for not taking a photo because it was such a lonesome scene - the train rolling through at dusk with its light shining on the tracks and snow in front.  As fate would have it, the train stopped and then backed up into the same position as before.  Not wanting to tempt fate a second time, I ran out through the snow and snapped some photos. 

Tasty beers at the Wedge - I recommend touring the art galleries in Asheville's Warehouse District and then having a few.